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13414 US Government Aircraft Wheel Antifriction Bearings Technical Manual 1959 (part# T.O 44B-1-3)
4624 US Government Aircraft Woods, Properties 1941 Technical Manual (part# NO.1079)
4627 US Government Aircraft Woodworker 1943 Training Guide (part# TO 30-35A-4)
4646 US Government Aircrew Survival 1985 Instruction Book (part# AF 64-5)
4589 US Government Airframe Maintenance & Repair Maintenance & Repair (part# AF MANUAL 52-11)
2088 US Government Airplane Hydraulic Systems Technical Manual (part# TM-1-411)
2089 US Government Airplane Hydraulic Systems Technical Manual (part# TM-1-411-NO.-2)
4570 US Government Airplane Inspection Guide 1942 Technical Manual (part# TM-1-415)
4591 US Government Airplane Structures 1943 Technical Manual (part# TM-1-410)
4560 US Government Altitude & Its Effect On A/C Flight Engineering & Factory Inspection (part# REPORT-#13)
4605 US Government AN, MS, NAS Aircraft Specification Hardware Aircraft Specification Hardware (part# NO. 26)
2096 US Government AN/APN-1 & AN/APN-1A 1943 Handbook of Operating Instructions (part# 16-30APN1-6)
4679 US Government Analysis Of The Effects NACA Report (part# NO.-1057)
4557 US Government ANC-12 Bulletin Vibration & Flutter Handbook (part# ANC-12)
4623 US Government ANC-18 Bulletin 1944 Bulletin (part# ANC-18)
4621 US Government ANC-18 Bulletin 1951 Bulletin (part# ANC-18)
4622 US Government ANC-18 Bulletin 1951 Bulletin (part# ANC-18)
4625 US Government ANC-19 Bulletin 1951 Bulletin (part# ANC-19)
4588 US Government ANC-2A Bulletin 1948 ANC Bulletin (part# ANC-2A)
13296 US Government Antifriction Bearings Technical Manual 1965 (part# 44B-1-102)
13934 US Government Army Aviation Operations 1997 (part# FM 1-100)
4667 US Government Army Primary Flight Training Student Textbook (part# 105400)
2098 US Government Automatic Engine Control 1945 Handbook Of Instructions (part# 03-10DA-26)
4661 US Government Aviation Ground Operations Handbook (part# USAVIATIONGROUND-HB)
14223 US Government Basic Flying Instructors' Manual (part# USBASICFLYING-C)
4618 US Government Basic Helicopter Handbook 1978 (part# AC 61-13B)
4638 US Government Basic Instruments 1943 Instrument Instructors Handbook (part# USBASICINSTRUMENTS-C)
4656 US Government Basic Technical Order 1950 Handbook (part# 01-1B-50)
4598 US Government Block Ground & Flight Test Instruction Manual (part# 2/1/2014)
4659 US Government Blueprint Reading 1951 Training Manual (part# NAVPERS-10077)
4555 US Government CAM 18 1959 Maintenance, Repair (part# USCAM18)
4552 US Government CAM 3 Civil Aviation Regulation Airplane Airworthiness, Normal, Utility & Acrobatic Categories (part# USCAM3)
4553 US Government CAM 4 Airplane Airworthiness Airplane Airworthiness (part# USCAM4)
4660 US Government CAM 4b 1960 Airplane Airworthiness (part# USCAM4B)
4556 US Government CAM 52 1952 Repair Station Certificates (part# USCAM52--C)
4554 US Government CAM 8 Aircraft Airworthiness Airplane Airworthiness (part# USCAM8)
13488 US Government Chassis Trailer, Trailer, Cargo Organizational Maintenance 1972 (part# 9-2330-213-14)
13298 US Government Chemical Cleaning Technical Manual Air Force Maintenance Operations 1973 (part# 42C-1-20)
4641 US Government Civil Pilot Training Manual CAA Bulletin NO. 23 (part# CAA NO. 23)
2093 US Government Clothing, Parachutes, Equipment Illustrated Catalog (part# S-13)
4672 US Government Compression, Tension and Shear Report (part# NO.-1328)
4571 US Government Corrosion Control Course Student Guidebook (part# C-000-3192)
4587 US Government Corrosion Control Manual Technical Manual (part# BHT-PUB-77-001)
4586 US Government Corrosion Control Of Reciprocating Aircraft Engines Technical Manual (part# TO-2R-1-11)
4569 US Government Corrosion Symposium 1979 Airline Presentations (part# USCORROSIONSYMPOSIUM)
4612 US Government Cuno Hydraulic Oil Filters Instructions With Parts (part# 3/30/2002)
4613 US Government Cuno Hydraulic Oil Filters Operation, Service, Overhaul With Parts (part# 3/1/1932)
4628 US Government Description A/C Structural Repair Description (part# 1-1A-1)
13297 US Government Description and Use of Plate Vibration Insulators Technical Manual 1961 (part# 44H1-1-2)
4559 US Government Effect Of Air Temperature Upon Rate Of Climb Instruction Book (part# REPORT-#12)
4558 US Government Effect Of Airplane Weight Upon Rate Climb Instruction Book (part# REPORT-#10)
13423 US Government Elementary Electricity For Airplane Mechanics Instruction Manual 1951 (part# AF 52-7)
4580 US Government Engine Conditioning For Reciprocating Engines Instruction Manual (part# AF-52-9)
4597 US Government Engine Mounting Systems 1945 Instruction With Parts Catalog (part# 3/1/1951)
13487 US Government Engine, Gasoline, 20HP, Military Standard Organizational Maintenance 1969 (part# 5-2805-259-14)
4593 US Government Engineering Manual Shop Army Aviation Maintenance (part# TM-55-405-7)
4606 US Government Fastening Systems Installation Instructions (part# 2-1520)
4680 US Government Flight Attendant Training Flight Attendant Manual (part# USFLIGHTATT)
4676 US Government Flight Investigation Of Loads NACA Research Memorandum (part# L8C30)
4662 US Government Flying & Glider Handbook 1932 Handbook (part# USFLYING&GLIDER-HB-C)
4576 US Government Fundamentals Army Airplane Army Technical Manual (part# TM-55-404)
4640 US Government Fundamentals of Elementary Flight CAA Bulletin NO.32 (part# CAA NO. 32)
4631 US Government Fundamentals Of Mechanics Structural Repair (part# AF-66-10)
4575 US Government General Maintenance Instruction Technical Manual (part# AEC-DASA-TP-40-54)
4562 US Government General Shop All A/C Hardware General Shop Manual (part# PUB-502-A)
13486 US Government Generator Set, Gasoline Engine Operator's Manual 1961 (part# TM 5-6115-244-10)
13485 US Government Generator Set, Gasoline Engine Operator, Organizational Maintenance 1968 (part# 5-6115-450-15)
4632 US Government Ground School For P38, P39, P40 Ground School (part# USGROUNDSCHOOL)
4568 US Government Guide For Obtaining Certificate Application Guide (part# USAPPLICATIONGUIDE-C)
4601 US Government Guide To Pre 1930 A/C Engines Guide Book (part# USGUIDETOPRE1930-C)
13422 US Government How To Instruct 1952 (part# AF 50-9)
12724 US Government Installation Practices For Electric & Electronic Wiring 1956 (part# 01-1A-505)
13410 US Government Installation Practices For Electric & Electronic Wiring 1965 (part# 01-1A-505)
13417 US Government Instrument Flying Handbook 1960 (part# AF 51-37)
13418 US Government Instrument Flying Techniques & Procedures Handbook 1953 (part# 51-37)
4670 US Government J2 Gyroplane & How To Fly It Instruction Manual (part# USGYROPLANEJ2-C)
4583 US Government Jet Propulsion Power Plants Instruction Manual (part# USJETPROPULSION-IN-C)
4619 US Government Landing Signal Officer Guide Training Manual (part# USLANDINGSIGNAL-TR-C)
13987 US Government List Of Propellers And Governors For Service Aircraft 1953 (part# TO 03-20-1)
4674 US Government Load Assumptions For Calculating Technical Memorandums (part# NO.-581)
2100 US Government Manifold Pressure Gages 1942 Handbook Of Instructions With Parts Catalog (part# 5P2-2-41)
2099 US Government Manifold Pressure Gages 1945 Operation, Maintenance, Overhaul, Parts (part# AN 05-70E-1 / 5P2-2-3-1)
4567 US Government Means Of Compliance FAR 23.629 Advisory Circular (part# AC-23.629-1)
13412 US Government Metal Treatments Process Instructions Technical Manual 1974 (part# T.O. 42C2-1-7)
4682 US Government Metallic Materials & Elements Military Handbook (part# FSC-1500)
2097 US Government Method Of Marking Instruments Instruction Book (part# 5/1/2017)
4669 US Government Model 18A Gyroplane Flight Manual (part# 18-600)
4578 US Government Model SC-24 Speed Control System Installation & Instructions Manual (part# 910-2)
4561 US Government Molybdenum Steels In Aircraft Construction Handbook (part# USMOLYBDENUM-C)
4607 US Government Nondestructive Inspection Methods Technical Manual (part# 33B-1-1)
4657 US Government Observed Fire 1991 Field Manual (part# FM 6-30)
4609 US Government Oil, Fuel, Fuel Metering AMT Student Textbook (part# USSTUDENTTEXTBOOK-C)
4600 US Government Operation Of Aircraft Engines Training Manual (part# USOPERATIONACENGINES)
4617 US Government Painting & Marking Of Army Aircraft Technical Manual (part# 746-93-2)
2092 US Government Parachute Type B-8 1943 Instructions For Packing & Maintenance (part# 13-5-5)
2090 US Government Parachutes 1943 Maintenance And Operating Manual (part# 13-5-2)
2095 US Government Parachutes Aerial Delivery 1943 Operation & Maintenance (part# 13-5-4)
2091 US Government Parachutes And Fabric Dictionary of Aircraft Maintenance Terms (part# 30-1-2-1)
2094 US Government Parachutes Troop Type 1942 Handbook Of Instructions (part# 13-5-7)
4639 US Government Patter For Elementary Flight Civil Aeronautics Bulletin NO. 31 (part# NO. 31)
4633 US Government Personal Aircraft Inspection 1964 Inspection Handbook (part# AC-20-9)
4610 US Government PFA 55MB Fuel Additive Instruction Manual (part# USPFA55MBFUEL)
4650 US Government Pilot's Information File 1943 AAF Regulation (part# 62-15)
13425 US Government Pilot's Information File 1944 AAF Regulation (part# 62-15)
4668 US Government Piper Instrument Commercial Training Syllabus (part# P6084)
13484 US Government Power Units PE-143-B & PE-143C Maintenance Instructions 1945 (16-40PE143-7) (part# 16-40PE143-7)
4574 US Government Powerplant Reciprocating Maintenance Manual (part# AF MANUAL 52-12)
4579 US Government Preparation Of Engines For Storage Technical Order (part# TO 02-1-1)
13409 US Government Preservation Packaging, and Packing Of Military Supplies & Equipment Technical Manual 1951 (part# TM 38-230)
4634 US Government Primary Flying (T-34) USAF Training Manual (part# FTAF 51-1)
13421 US Government Primary Flying Air Training Command 1959 (part# AF-51-1)
4635 US Government Primary Flying, Jet (T-37) Training Manual (part# ATC REG 51-4)
13293 US Government Quality Control Of Fuels and Lubricants Technical Manual 1971 (part# 42B-1-1)
14224 US Government Radio Set SCR-AR-183, -283 Preliminary Instructions (part# 8/10/1974)
13299 US Government Repair Of Integral and Removable Metal Fuel and Oil Tanks Handbook 1951 (part# 1/1/2003)
4678 US Government Requirements For Satisfactory NACA Report (part# NO.-755)
4596 US Government Rework & Reclamation 1944 Technical Manual (part# 2/1/1981)
4652 US Government Riveting With Hi-Shears Instruction Manual (part# 2-605)
4626 US Government Silhouette Handbook Of US Army Handbook (part# TO 00-40-1)
13413 US Government Solvents Approved For Air Force Use In Maintenance Operations Technical Manual 1966 (part# T.O. 42A1-1-13)
4675 US Government Some Fundamental Consideration NACA Technical Notes (part# NO.-692)
4599 US Government Specific Installation & Test Overhaul (part# 2R-1-12A)
4616 US Government Specified & Alternate Grade Engines & Maintenance Parts (part# 2/1/1938)
13292 US Government Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program (SOAP) Evaluation Criteria Technical Manual 1970 (part# 42B2-1-10)
13291 US Government Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program (SOAP) Technical Manual 1972 (part# 42B2-1-9)
4643 US Government Sperry Turrets Gunnery Training Manual (part# USSPERRYTURRETS-C)
4594 US Government Strength Of Aircraft Elements Instruction Book (part# ANC-5)
4673 US Government Stress Analysis Of Monocoque Technical Notes (part# NO.-870)
4608 US Government Structural Aspects Of Transport Aircraft Operation Report To The Flight Crew (part# USSTRUCTURALASPECTS)
4645 US Government Survival Search and Rescue Instruction Book (part# AFM 64-5)
4653 US Government The Display Of Weather Echoes UAL Meteorology Circular No. 39 (part# NO.-39)
13420 US Government Theory of Instrument Flying Handbook 1952 (part# 51-38A)
13419 US Government Theory of Instrument Flying Handbook 1954 (part# 51-38)
2101 US Government Thermocouple Thermometers 1960 Operation, Maintenance, Overhaul, Parts (part# 1-5E6-3-6-21)
4677 US Government Transition Phase In Take-off NACA Report (part# NO.-626)
4642 US Government US Navy Flight Training Flight Training Manual (part# USNAVYFLIGHTTRAIN-C)
4654 US Government Use Of Weather Radar UAL Meteorology Circular No. 53 (part# NO.-53)
4655 US Government Use Of Weather Radar UAL Meteorology Circular No. 53 (part# NO.-53)
4671 US Government Vintage & Veteran Aircraft Guide Aircraft Guide (part# USVINTAGE&VETERAN-C)
4564 US Government Visual Inspection System 1943 Handbook (part# TO#-00-20A)
4577 US Government Weather Radar Operating Techniques Operating Techniques (part# UNWEATHERRADAR-C)
4620 US Government Weight And Balance Data Handbook (part# AN 01-1B-40)
9338 US Government Wood Propeller, Test Clubs 1943 Instruction With Parts Catalog (part# 03-20F-1)
9339 US Government Wood Propeller, Test Clubs 1946 Engineering Handbook A/C Repair (part# 01-1A-13)
4644 US Government Your Body In Flight 1943 Instruction Book (part# TO-00-25-13)
493 USAF Air Navigation Manual (part# AF 11-216)
14190 USAF Air Navigation Manual (part# AF 51-40)
14191 USAF Air Navigation Manual (part# AF 51-40)
14060 USCG HH-65A Dolphin Flight Manual (part# CG TO 1H-65A-1)
9383 USCG HU-25A Flight Manual (part# 1U-25A-1)
12238 Val Com 760 TSO Maintenance Manual (part# 701003)
12237 Val Com 760 TSO VHF Transceiver Installation/Owner's Manual (part# VPN-701002)
9590 Valiant Mk.1, B.2 Flight Manuals
686 Vampire F Mk. 1 Maintenance Manual (part# AP 4099A)
687 Vampire F1 Pilot's Notes (part# AP 4099A PN)
441 Vampire FB.5, FB.9 Pilot's Notes (part# AP 4099E,G PN)
2104 Vapor Corporation Battery Charger 1969 Overhaul Instructions With Illustrated Parts (part# 24-30-3)
2103 Vapor Corporation Battery Charger 1970 Overhaul Instructions With Illustrated Parts (part# 24-30-4)
5882 Varga Kachina 1982 Data Sheets & Aircraft Specifications (part# VKTYPECERT82SPC)
5876 Varga Kachina 2000C 1956 Aircraft Specification (part# SPEC 4A14)
5878 Varga Kachina 2150 1980 Maintenance Manual (part# VK2150M)
5879 Varga Kachina 2150 1981 Illustrated Parts Catalog (part# VK2150)
5877 Varga Kachina 2150, 2150A 1977 Aircraft Specification (part# 4A19)
5881 Varga Kachina 2150A Operations Manual (part# VK2150A-OP-C)
5880 Varga Kachina 2150A Pilot's Checklist (part# VK2150A-CL-C)
7353 Velie Motors Corporation Radial Air-cooled Aircraft Engines Installation & Maintenance (part# VEM5-28-INSTALC)
7655 Vertol Helicopters CH-21A, B, C & HH-21B 1957 Maintenance Instructions (part# 1H-21(C)A-2-2)
7656 Vertol Helicopters CH-47A 1968 Operator's Manual (part# 55-1520-209-10)
7657 Vertol Helicopters Familiarization Manual 1957 Familiarization Manual (part# VRFAMIL-57-FM-C)
9172 Vickers British Aero Spitfire I, Merlin II, III Engine Pilot's Notes (part# VCSPITFIRE-PN-C)
9173 Vickers British Aero Spitfire IIA, IIB Merlin XII Pilot's Notes (part# VCSPITFIREIIA-P)
2105 Vickers Constant Displacement Hydraulic Illustrated Parts (part# 94H-2-14-4)
2115 Vickers Constant Displacement Hydraulic Overhaul Instructions (part# 94H-2-7-13)
2119 Vickers Constant Displacement Hydraulic Overhaul Manual (part# 94H-2-14-3)
2120 Vickers Fixed Displacement Hydraulic Illustrated Parts (part# 94H-2-12-4)
2109 Vickers Fixed Displacement Hydraulic Overhaul Manual (part# 94H-2-12-3)
2107 Vickers Hydraulic Motor Assembly 1961 Overhaul Manual (part# 9H10-3-6-3)
2108 Vickers Hydraulic Motor Assembly 1973 Illustrated Parts (part# 9H10-3-6-4)
2113 Vickers Hydraulic Motor With Integral Illustrated Parts (part# 9H10-3-9-4)
2112 Vickers Hydraulic Motor With Integral Overhaul Instructions (part# 9H10-3-9-3)
2116 Vickers Hydraulic Pumps Assemblies Illustrated Parts (part# 03-30CH-74)
2117 Vickers Hydraulic Pumps PF-713 Series Service Data (part# 910042-8)
2111 Vickers Hydraulic Pumps, Motors, Tools Overhaul Tools Manual (part# VSHYDRAULICPUMPS--C)
12624 Vickers Mechanically Operated Sequence Valves Instructions With Parts (part# AA-17000)
2106 Vickers Piston Type Pumps 1943 Instructions With Parts Catalog (part# 03-30CH-1)
2118 Vickers Piston Type Pumps 1943 Instructions With Parts Catalog (part# 03-30CH-1)
12623 Vickers Pressure Reducing Valves Instructions With Parts (part# AA-11400)
2114 Vickers Pump Control Valve Assemblies Illustrated Parts (part# 9H8-4-115-4)
12997 Vickers PV3-044-26 Hydraulic Pump Component Maintenance with Illustrated Parts 1979 (part# 29-10-22)
2110 Vickers Variable Delivery Pumps 1945 Instructions with Parts Catalog (part# 03-30CH-15)
9588 Victor B.1, B.1A, B.2 Flight Manuals (part# AP 4506A-C PN, AP 4506B PN)
449 Viking II Pilot's Notes (part# AP 4170B PN)
9174 Vought Aircraft A-7A, B 1971 Natops Flight Manual (part# 01-45AAA-1)
9175 Vought Aircraft A-7C, E 1975 Natops Flight Manual (part# 01-45AAE-1)
9176 Vought Aircraft A-7C, E 1975 Natops Flight Manual (part# 01-45AAE-1)
9177 Vought Aircraft A-7D 1973 Flight Manual (part# 1A-7D-1)
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